Thursday, June 6, 2024

I Have a Letter M in my Palm in Both Hands

I Found this article on My Face Book just recently - Interesting, since I have the letter M in both palm of my hands. 
My Left Palm-photo taken today
My Right Palm-photo taken today


Palmistry💥 is an ancient method of predicting the future and interpreting a person's personality from the pattern of the lines of the hands. Sometimes these lines can form even numbers and letters. One of these letters may be the letter M, the meaning of which has been investigated by many mystics.

As many believe, the lines on the palm reveal our character and destiny. The letter M is assigned to truly special people. They are endowed with extraordinary intuition and represent the ideal partners for any business.

If the people you love have the special letter M on the inside of the palm, you have to know that you cannot mock and you cannot lie or deceive that person in any way.  Being very intelligent and intuitive, people with the letter M in the palm of their hand easily realize that they are being lied to or deceived.

Women who have the letter M on their palm have a stronger intuition than men, even those who have this letter. They are gifted with the power to manage and overcome any obstacle in life, and they know how to exploit the resources and opportunities that are offered to them.

The letter "M" on your palm can also mean:
• Leadership skills
• Joy
• Excellent opportunities

According to popular tradition, this sign is characteristic of the prophets ... So if you have this letter in your hand, you are really a special person! Some people hold it in one hand and others in both.

Martin Santos, Follow Weird & Unusual Things for more interesting things. Credits: Quantum Physics and Kabbalah

PERSONAL NOTE: In My Younger Days, I used to Read People Hands and Practice the Art of Palmistry after seriously reading and studying two books on the subject. It was so much fun and I was a very popular person in my high school/college years because of my knowledge of palmistry. 

I also learned Feng Shui from reading it in several books Feng shui literally means “the way of wind and water”: “feng” means “wind” and “shui” means “water.” Feng shui can refer to the art of placing items within a room, but you can also say, “It's good feng shui to …,” meaning it creates a good environment to arrange or place items in your home in a certain way.  I have a dozen books on the subject and I am still practicing the art of Feng Shui today. 
Lastly, My Poem of the Day. 
"Dreams, like whispers in the quiet night,
Igniting wishes in soft moonlight.
In the canvas of sleep, a boundless sky,
Where fleeting thoughts and fantasies fly."

Here's my previous postings on Palm-Reading and Psychics:

Related Posting:

And Here are the latest palindromic dates for your information.

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