Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Survey of THD Top Five Favorite Employees

The following are the responses I received from my request from the 30 THD Residents who are in my THD Active Distribution List in my Blogs . 

"Next month will be my first year here at THD. I have developed a fondness and admiration for a few THD employees of their dedication and empathy to our life as senior citizens.  
l am conducting a survey on the your top 5 favorite THD Employee from Housekeeping Unit, Servers, Kitchen Staff, Maintenance and THD Front Concierge and Management. You could remain anonymous if you wish but I will published in my blog the results of this survey. No Resident Names will be mentioned in my blogs".  
Good Communications between Residents and THD employees are essential for the morale and the improvement of our Quality of Life Here at THD. You may detail your reasonings of your choice of top 5. I hope you participate on this survey".   

1.  Jenny Shively, for her kindness, warmth, and welcoming spirit.  She makes everyone, whether touring for the first time or a long-time THD resident feel welcome, cared about, and special.  She is such an affirming person! My Response Amen, Amen!

2. Teresa (Resident Relations and Assistant to Jenny) -Teresa is so helpful in orienting us residents, especially those of us who are new, to THD, including where particular locations are, to "how things work".  I feel very cared about.  Teresa genuinely wants us to feel comfortable and at home here at THD.  My Response-Amen. Amen!

3.  Linda, front desk concierge, Linda is always friendly!  I feel that she finds interacting with us, whether in person or on the phone, a real joy! My Response-Amen, Amen!

4. Ernesto, head of maintenance, is both kind and patient.  No matter what the situation, is always willing and eager to help.  He takes the time to listen and make sure we understand when he explains something to us.  I believe that Ernesto truly enjoys his job!
 I have had not much contact with Ernesto, so I do not know, but appears friendly.   

5. Maricela, Newton's serving staff, is a joy!  She conveys a sparkle and warmth that suggests she loves her work!  Not only does she always address our THD residents by name, but she makes certain that she understands an individual's specific requests in regard to food and beverage.  She is patient and unfailingly cheerful.  My Response-Amen!

6. Great idea David…I would like to nominate Lucia from housekeeping…she’s been faithfully with me for 6 yrs now and puts up with messy me!  Also would like to nominate Andrea from Newtons…she is always smiling and happy to help in anyway she can to accommodate menu likes and dislikes.  She is also trying to learn French so she and I will chat when she has a minute.  Fun Times & I always look forward to seeing her at dinner time.   Please keep me anonymous…Thanks again David…sounds like great fun.

7. Here are my top 5 employees: Linda, front desk, Jennifer, front desk, Andrea, kitchen, Vanessa, kitchen, Veronica, kitchen. Thanks for the survey request. 

8. Other names mentioned are Martha and Samantha ( Newtons), Patrick ( Maintenance), Rosalia and Dulce  (Housekeeping), Karen Kopp ( Activity), Galen Corson ( Activity) and Eric and Michael  (Front Desk).  In the Kitchen Crew: Alain, Santiago and Agustin. Kitchen Management- Carmen and Emilia, Drivers- Nancy and Joseph 

9. Nancy had personally help me solved an emergency problem, when I needed to purchase a mouse for my computer. She was very helpful and drove me to Target after only 5 minutes notice. If there are other people like Nancy, the world will be a better place to live for everyone. Keep up with Good work, Nancy.  Very Appreciative of your service!

10. I do not have any FavoritesAll of them are my favorites. I feel that if I mentioned 5 names the others will feel bad and I do not want to compare because I may be offending others not mentioned. All our Newton's Server's deserve to be mentioned. I am always amazed of how they can memorized individual preferences for meals daily. And they know our first name, during our first day here at THD. I wish I have that ability.    

11.  David, I so appreciate your thoughtfulness in creating and disseminating this survey!

12. I actually feel that all the staff at THD are wonderful, hardworking and caring and I wouldn’t want to single any of them out!  Lucky us!

13. David, this is hard, for various reasons!  The first is……there are a number of THD employees who I have never met……the converse would be true for other residents.  And those unmet, may be the most outstanding in the place!  So…… do you plan to evaluate the lists?  I’m sure ‘there’s a method to your madness,’ but it befuddles me. 

Finally, If  I have the authority to be a Good and Emphatic Manager, I would give each of the employees mentioned above a Certificate of Appreciation for their service beyond the call of duty.    If no one mentioned your name in this survey, please do not feel bad. 

However, for those of you mentioned here my heartfelt thanks for your empathy and  daily actions that indeed improves the quality of our Life here at THD.    

Lastly to THD Management and others who are in my DL for my blogs: Please communicate this survey to the employees mentioned in this survey who have no access to my blogs, because they are not in my THD Distribution List.  If you have access to my FB page please relay this blog of appreciation to the employees mentioned in this survey.  

Here's my previous blog on suggestions for Improvement on the Quality of Life here at THD.  One of the items recently addressed is French Toast in the Menu. 

And for My Picture of the Day:

My Cacti Collection and the Wondering Jew Cuttings from My Neighbor- Sandi Green

Conclusion: I must admit this is a statistically insignificant survey. Take the results with a Grain of Salt. Have a Great Day EveryOne!   

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