Friday, September 13, 2024

The Amendments to the US Constitution- Trivia Party

Number 27:  Limit Congressional Pay Raises, 1992

The other day, a fellow resident asked me if I know of one the most important amendment in the US Constitution. I told her, I do not know since I am not a walking Encyclopedia and told her to look it up herself. 

She smiled at me, telling me, she was just joking and was just testing me of my Trivia Knowledge💚. Her joke aroused my curiosity and  here's what I found. The degree of importance depends on the person priorities and interest in life.  

Here are the top 10 for your reference and the rest of the 17 are listed in this website :

An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification. For Details visit:

Is there a plan to add Amendment # 28? 

Governor Newsom Proposes Historic 28th 

Amendment to the United States Constitution

 to End America’s Gun Violence Crisis

Personal Notes-THD Activity : It has been suggested that Chair Volleyball be scheduled once a week instead of every other week. There were 18 players in last Tueday's game and everyone had a grand time. I also suggest to move Corn Hole and Ladder Ball to Thursday at 11AM. If you play chair Volley ball and you like this suggestion please let Activity know of your wishes. 

💚Meanwhile, I am inviting you all to attend an afternoon of trivia this Saturday, September 14 at 3PM at our Activity Lounge. Sign in the Lobby!

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