If you do, you are not alone. You belong to the same company as well as several others that I know-Relative and Friends. A close relative of Macrine appears to love his grand children more than his own children if I based it from his loving narratives on his FaceBook Page. I have also a relative in FB describing his activities and feelings for his grand children showing the same conclusion as above. My neighbor across the street spent so much time and talked more about his grandchildren than his own children.
There is a saying that you love more your grand children than your children because your children are only your CAPITAL but your grand children are already your PROFITS.

If you have several grand children, do you have a favorite? Of course you do, but afraid to say it, because you might hurt the feelings of your other grand children. Speaking of my own grand children, I proud to report that my youngest grand daughter, 13 year-old and 8th grader Carenna KT is now earning a few bucks doing something that she loves. Carenna sings and plays her guitar every week on restaurants, night clubs and bars for about 60 minutes in the neighborhood. She also plays for her friends birthday parties. She charges $50 for about one hour. In addition she get tips from patrons. Last week her MOM told us she got $25 tips besides her normal fee. That's the way to go, my Pangga. Keep up with the good work, but remember put your school work first in priority in your schedule of activities.

With regards to my other grand children: Ian and Elaine Katague King both graduated with their Bachelors Degree last year and this year respectively. Both are looking for permanent jobs in the East Bay, San Francisco or Sacramento areas.
As I mentioned recently, Alix ( Alexandra) Katague is in her senior year at Cornell University. A job is waiting for her when she graduates next year in her field of expertise- computer engineering. Alix older brother Philip Katague graduated last year with his Bachelors degree from UC Santa Cruz. The last time I heard he found a temporary job in Oakland while studying for test for admission to Law school. The youngest daughter of my oldest son ( Diosdado), Marina Katague, is in her second year at Cal Poly Technic University in San Luis Obispo, California.
Incidentally, here in the US, last September 11 was National Grand Parents Day. It was overshadowed in the news by the 15th anniversary of the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York.
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