I was reading my FB page the other day and find this article worthy of sharing. I do have permission from the author to repost excerpts of his article. The author is a relative who belongs to the Balleza clan with ancestral roots from Barotac Viejo, Iloilo, Philippines.
Barotac Viejo is a small town in Iloilo, Philippines where I finished my elementary and high school years. If curious please read my blog, Where the Heck is Barotac Viejo, Iloilo? in this site, dated December 18, 2014. http://davidbkatague.blogspot.com
"CHASING THE WIND" by Alfredo(Toto) Balleza Brilliantes
I want to share my life perspective to you my friends.
I came from humble beginning with nothing but my desire to succeed. Armed with intelligence and perseverance, I go through this competitive material world to get what I want not what I need to enjoy life.
I did not know then the difference between "want “and “need", neither the difference between "enjoyment” and “happiness".
In my pursuit of what I “want” and “enjoyment” , I traveled through life like I am traveling thru the far horizon in the desert and because of the heat of the sun I did not see the beauty of the surroundings. I did not see the beautiful creatures that I encountered along the way and breathe taking beauty of the landscape. Just like the heat of life that we experience on the way to attain what we want and enjoy in this secular and material world.
I labored to gain knowledge and equip myself to lead others, to have commanding position and have economic advantage from others.
I labored to be recognized, to be popular and stand above my peers.
I labored to get the best of material things; top of its class, i.e., watches, camera, cars and big houses and nice pieces of furniture.
Before, I said that if I can get the Nikon camera I will be happy. If I get that Rolex watch, I will be happy. Same with the big top of the line SUV and nice big house, I will be happy. I got all those, it made me proud and feel that enjoyment of fulfillment. Not realizing that s soon as you attain what you what you want, here is another one lining up. I realize later that there is no end of wanting. All of these are vanity.
I have learned throughout the years that everything is "meaningless". All of knowledge, material, position and power that you got would be nothing. You leave all this behind when you die. All our labor is like chasing the wind.
We should not learn from experience but rather from the written word of God.
I hope it is not too late for me to find the true happiness. I replaced my Rolex watch on my wrist with a rosary bracelet. You do the same you will have peace. Believing in God, in the family and in good friend are the real happiness in life.
Some of the Comments from his FB friends:
What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? - a verse from Matthew
True happiness is not found in any other reward than that united in God., walk with faith in Him, rejoice the beauties of nature and all His wonderful creation and cherish His most greatest love gift, our family ..... - what more can the heart of man desire??
No matter who you are, what you are in this world. You should find the purpose of GOD why he create you... Every single living things are had their purpose... If you find it... Real happiness will blossom deep inside your heart...
My Comment: Yes, indeed I could relate and identify with this article. It reminded me of the following video.
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