The following is an excerpt from the article published in Sulo Newsletter, Vol.8, No.1 dated January 7, 2003. Sulo is the official newsletter of PAASE ( Philippine-American Academy of Science & Engineering). I have been a member of PAASE since 1970.
"David is the oldest of seven children of Dr. and Mrs. David Jamili Katague, Sr of Barotac Viejo, Iloilo. Even before he went to grade school, he had dreams of coming to US, since he had a lot of contact with American GI who were dental patients of his father in the US-Filipino army during World War II. In 1951, he graduated valedictorian of his high school class.
He enrolled at the University of the Philippines Iloilo College (UPIC) in Iloilo City. During his two years at UPIC, he was a recipient of several scholarships, such as the Fernando Lopez,university and college scholarships. In 1955, he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry in UP Diliman, Q.C. at top 1% of his class. The next year, he passed the board examination for Chemists coping 3rd place nationwide. He was appointed instructor in Chemistry and taught chemistry for three years in his Alma Mater before pursuing graduate degrees to the US. In 1957, he married Macrine Nieva Jambalos of Boac, Marinduque. In 1962 he obtained his Master of Science degree followed by his PhD.in Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of Illinois in Chicago. The following are the highlights of David and Macrine's involvement in US and Philippines from 1964 to the present:
1964-1969: The Kansas City, Missouri Years

* Employed as chemist by Chemagro Corporation(Bayer). His work on pesticide residue research resulted in four scientific publications.
* The Kansas City Roman Catholic Diocese appointed David to the Social Action Commission dealing with racial prejudice and other social issues.
* David and Macrine organized and lead the first ecumenical ( interfaith) group of the Christian Family Movement (CFM) in the KC Diocese.
1969-1974: The Modesto, California Years

* Employed as Research Chemist by Shell Development Company. His work resulted in two
scientific publications as well as numerous in house reports on analytical method development of pesticide residues
* David and Macrine founded the " Mabuhay Club" - the first Filipino-American organization in Stanislaus County involved in social, educational, and cultural projects. They served as the first president couple with twenty original members. Today the organization has more than 300 members.
* In 1972, David and Macrine became US citizens
* In 1972, David was listed in the 12th Edition of American Men and Women of Science for his expertise on pesticide residue method development and regulation
1974-1990: The Pinole, California Years

* Employed as Principal Research Chemist by Stauffer Chemical Company( ICI), 1974-1986. This position was the highest technical position ( without supervisory duties) attainable in the company
* In 1986-1990, David was employed by Chevron Chemical Company as Senior Research Chemist supervising three junior chemists and technicians.
* In 1986, David participated in the TOKTEN(Transfer of knowledge through Expatriate Nationals) Program at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Q.C.
* David donated technical books and journals worth more than $1,500.00 to the UP Chemistry Library, through the Commission on Filipinos Overseas. A letter of thanks from Alfredo Perdon, Executive Director of CFO dated May 23, 1990 states " Your donation is a manifestation of the willingness of Filipino overseas to be actively involved in the development efforts of the country. Such participation through the commission " Lingkod Sa Kapwa Pilipino Program or LINKAPIL serves to strengthen the linkages between Filipino overseas and their countrymen". A LINKAPIL Certificate of Appreciation was attached along with picture of the turnover ceremony at the UP library.
* David served as President of the University of the Philippines Alumni Association
(UPAA), Berkeley Chapter for two years. Some of the projects during his term were cultural( music/dance) and educational ( Kulintang-Mindanao Art Exhibits).
* In 1980, David obtained his Master's Certificate in Business Management at UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
* In 1976, David was listed in Who's Who in the West, 15th Edition
* In 1981, David was listed in Who's Who in Technology Today, 2nd Edition
* In 1982, David was listed in the Chemistry Section of "Experts and Consultants in the United States
1990-2002: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Years

* In 1990, David was hired by FDA as a review chemist in the Office of New Drug Chemistry, CDER in the Division of Anti-Infective Drug Products
* In 1993, he was promoted to Expert GS-14 with expertise in anti-malarial, anti-parasitic and systemic anti-fungal drug products
* In 1997, he was promoted again to chemistry team leader, supervising the work of five reviewers. He is the first Filipino-American to achieve this position in FDA/CDER. As team leader, he was responsible for prioritizing, assigning and assuring the technical accuracy of all of chemistry, manufacturing and controls (CMC) issues for all new drug applications submitted to the Division of Anti-Infective Drugs. He has received numerous awards for outstanding performance, initiative, leadership and communication skills as well as commendation for teamwork and excellence in the accomplishment of FDA mission.
* In 1998, David was awarded the EEO ( Equal Employment Opportunity)plaque. The citation reads, " For outstanding accomplishments in fostering the objectives of EEO by hiring minorities and encouraging their professional growth while providing excellent leadership".
* David facilitated the donation of $20,000.00 to UP. He suggested to his classmate, Mrs Ofelia Umali-Barretto, to sponsor a Professional Chair In Chemistry( see Chemistry Alumni Newsletter dated April 20, 1997 )
* In 1995, he was elected to the United States Pharmacopeia(USP) Council of Experts, Division of Standards, Antibiotics and Natural Products. As an elected member, he was responsible for establishing standards of identity, safety, quality, purity of drug substances and drug products as well as in-vitro and diagnostic products, dietary supplements and related articles used in health care. David is the first Filipino-American elected to the USP Council of Experts since its inception in 1820. In March, 2000 David was reelected to serve another 5 year term to end in 2005.
* In July, 1998, David received an outstanding Filipino-American Senior Citizen Award in Chemistry, Science and Research. The Philippine Centennial Festival Committee of the Philippine American Foundation of Charities, Washington, DC presented the award
*The next year he was nominated by the Philippine Embassy, Washington, DC for the "PAMANA NG PILIPINO " award in Chemistry . David is a trailblazer in Chemistry and Drug Regulation. He is the first Filipino-American to attain the position of Team Leader and Expert in FDA as well as the first Filipino-American to be elected to the USP/Council of Experts. His drive and energy to succeed is a representation of the Filipino people's talent and passion for excellence. He has shown that Filipinos can contribute significantly to the advancement of science, thus making the world a better and safer place by insuring that only safe and better quality drugs are approved and marketed in the US.
* Retirement Years: 2002 and Beyond
David retired from FDA on October 31, 2002. David is a model husband, father and grandfather. David and Macrine have four children, all professionals residing in California. They have six grandchildren. Since retirement, they have built a retirement home in the Philippines. In the property, they also have built a beach house and conference hall, now open to the public
(www.chateaudumer.com) . They have also been busy managing and participating with the Medical Missions to the province of Marinduque ( www.marinduqueinternational.org). They spend 6 months here in California and six months in the Philippines. The article "Joy of Retirement" in his other blog (http://planningtovisitthephilippines.blogspot.com) is a summary of their current life and activities".

1951-1955 B.S. in Chemistry, U. of Philippines, Diliman,Q.C., Philippines
1959-1962 M.S. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, U. of Illinois, Chicago, USA
1962-1964 Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, U. of Illinous, Chicago, USA
1977-1980 Masters Certificate in Business Management, U. of California, Berkeley, CA
1955-1958 Instructor in Chemistry, U. of the Philippines, Diliman, Q.C.
1959-1962 Teaching Assistant in Chemistry, U. of Illinois, Chicago, USA
1962-1964 Instructor in Chemistry, U. of Illinois, Chicago, USA
1964-1969 Analytical Research Chemist, Chemagro Corp., Kansas City, Missouri
1969-1974 Research Chemists, Shell Development Company, Modesto, California
1974-1986 Principal Research Chemist, Stauffer Chemical Co. Richmond, CA
1986-1990 Senior Research Chemist, Chevron Chemical Company, Richmond, Ca
1990-1996 Review Chemist, FDA/ONDC/Div of Anti-Infective Drugs, Rockville, MD
1997-2002 Chemistry Team Leader, FDA/Center of New Drugs/HFD-520, Silver Spring, MD
Initiated to Rho Chi Phi, Pharmaceutical Honor Society, 1962
Elected to Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Honor Society, 1964
Listed in 12th Edition, American Men and Women of Science, 1972 (page 3184)
Listed in Who's Who in the West, 15th & 21st Editions, 1976 & 1987
Listed in Who's Who in Technology Today, 2nd Edition, 1981 (page 999)
Listed in Experts and Consultants, Chemistry Section,1982 (page 515)
Group Recognition Award, Halofantrine Review Team, FDA, May 1993
Team Excellence Award for Albendazole Review, FDA May, 1997
Commendable Service Award on Botanical Guidance, May, 1997
Commendable Service Award on Guidance in Evaluation of Clinical Studies for Antimicrobial Drug Products, May, 1998
Team Excellence Award for Trovafloxacin/Alatrofloxacin Review, May, 1998
1. Guest Lecturer, Institute of Natural Sciences, U. of the Philippines, January 1986 'sponsored by TOKTEN and United Nations Development Program, New York
2. President, U. of the Philippines Alumni Association, Berkeley Chapter,Berkeley, CA 1988-1990
3. Elected to the USP Committee on Revision,Standard Division,1995-2000 and 2000-2005
Antibiotics and Natural Products Subcommittees
4. Member, Philippine American Academy of Science & Engineering since 1965
1. Analysis of the Volatile Components of Ylang-Ylang Oil by Gas Chromatography.
J. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 52 252(1963)
2. Gas and Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of the Volatile Components of Papaya Fruit, J. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 54 891 (1965)
3. Determination of Fenthion Residues in Plant and Animal Tissues by Electron-Capture Gas Chromatography, J. of Agri & Food Chemistry, Vol 14, No.6 (1966)
4. A Gas Chromatographic Method for the Determination of Bayer 37289, its Oxygen Analog and 2,4,5-trichlorophenol in Crops, J. of Agri & Food Chemistry, Vol 14, No.5 (1966)
5. Metabolism of P32 Labeled Dasanit in Cotton Plants, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology, Vol 2 (1967)
6. Gas Chromatographic Method for Residues of Baygon and Metabolites in Plant Tissues. J. of Agri & Food Chemistry, Vol 20, No.6 ( 1972)
7. Characterization and Microdetermination of a Water-Soluble Metabolite from Bladex Herbicide by Conversion to 5,5-dimethyl Hydantoin, J. of Agri & Food Chemistry, Vol 21 No.6 ( 1973)
I have authored more that 250 research reports, FDA submissons and analytical residue methods ( GC, TLC and HPLC) during the last 20 years of my industrial experience in the field of pesticide research, registration and regulation for the following companies: Chemagro Corporation, Shell Development Co., Stauffer Chemical Co and Chevron Chemical Company
Home at last! Home is not a place: it is an attitude and it is in our heart and soul. It is an attitude which depends upon how much we are able to feel at home with ourselves as well as with others. Home is something that happens to a person. Homecoming has less to do with geography than it has to do with a sense of personal integrity or inner wholeness and satisfaction. The most important of all endeavors in life is to come home. The most terrifying fears is loneliness. We wish for home as our first wish; hope for home until our last hope, dream of home with every dreams we form.... Fr. Padavano
The day you really live is the day you have touch the lives of others
Success to me is not wealth or material things such as expensive cars etc...
Success is education, family accomplishments, honors and awards, but most of all is to have loyal friends available in time of need

Where there is God, and love, there must be faith and where there is faith, there is peace indeed.
Where there is peace, there must be God and where there is God,
there is no need...Where there is no need, there is Paradise,
In Paradise there is bliss, contentment and delight!
The David B Katague Clan,Walnut Creek, CA November, 2007
My Photo Gallery-1994 to the Present
The following are some of the many memorable pictures taken from my album from 1994 to the Present here in the United States (Washington DC, Silver Spring, MD, Los Angeles, Sacramento, California, Las Vegas, NV and Houston,TX) and in Iloilo City, Philippines.
Ditas Katague Thompson with Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke, May 26, 2009
Dave with sister Amor Katague Gregorio pointing to his 74th Birthday Cake, Iloilo City, December 20, 2008

Marinduque International Members Pre-Medical Mission Meeting, Las Vegas, NV 2007

Dave and Macrine with Dr. Jim and Lorna Roscetti, Houston, TX August 2007

Dave and Macrine in their Cowboy Outfits, Houston, TX August 2007
Governor Arnold S. at his Birthday Dinner Party with Dave and Ditas, Walnut Grove, CA July 25, 2005

Christmas Party, Washington, D.C., December, 2000

GMA ( was VP at that time) with Dave and Macrine, Washington, DC. 1999
Lea Salonga and Ditas, Washington DC, Reception for President Estrada,1999
President Clinton at Asian Pacific Meeting Washington, DC, 1994
Note: Macrine and Dave( red tie/cumber band and his monkey suit)in the inset picture at the background. Macrine trying to shake hands of Bill Clinton after dinner.
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