Dave and Macrine Katague Wedding, May, 8, 1957
Golden Wedding Entourage,December,2007

This is the wedding entourage during our Golden Wedding Anniversary celebration at the Boac Cathedral, December, 2007. If you are reading this blog and you are over 75, you are indeed a rare human being. Let me explain why. Based on the current survey, the majority of blog users ranged in ages from 12 to 40. Only a minority of blog users (filipino or filipino-Americans,and others) are over 75 years old. Anyway, thank you for visiting my blog site. I hope to see you soon in Marinduque-My Island Seaside Paradise if not in person, but perhaps on line.
The David King Family at our Golden Wedding Anniversary
The following is from my oldest daughter, Dinah's Christmas Newsletter, describing the family's trip to the Philippines during our golden wedding anniversary celebrations as well as the current status of her children, Ian and Elaine as well as former husband, David King.
"I'm here again at my favorite time of the year. Besides good food, we all make an extra effort to remember those people who have touch our lives in a positive memorable ways this past year. This time of the year always give me a special glow inside that makes me grateful for all the blessings in my life. Now, allow me talk about my favorite subject. My family of course!
Our 2008 year, actually started in December, 2007. On the 20th of December, Lolo Katague's birthday, the King family boarded an airplane at the SFO International Airport headed to the Philippines, to spend 16 days experiencing the country of my parent's birth and to celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary. I could spend pages describing what a wonderful experience this was for everyone, but then I would just bore you all. Meeting all the cousins, eating, drinking, dancing, joking, betting, taking risks, attending cock fights, picnic excursion, riding tricycles and jeepneys and even destroying the natural coral reefs by shooting firecrackers into the ocean, as well as swimming and snorkeling and experiencing a wonderful culture and family that has lived half a world away, makes me feel so blessed to have been able to share this experience with my children and husband.
A big "THANK YOU" to all the Nieva's and Jambalos side of the family for making us feel a part of your lives. We have all agreed to make the trip again in four years. Then, maybe this time, we can spend a month and get to know the Katague's side of the family.
Upon returning to the Unites States, I was greeted with the fact that my contract work was not going to be renewed, because my employer had been laying off people since September. This was not unexpected and it gives me time to look for another job.

By the time you get this letter, I will have entered my second art show and sale. I have actually sold pieces of my pottery, so to be able to make this hobby a saleable endeavor is exciting.
Ian is now a senior in high school. He spent his summer life guarding and enjoying swim team activities and water polo. Unfortunately, during the second week of water polo practice, he messed up his ACL and meniscus in his left knee. His surgery went well but was on crutches for 12 weeks. Now he has an after school job, as a day care counselor at a local elementary school. The kids and staff all love him. Last May, Ian also got his driver's license and now a big help, driving her sister and me around.
Elaine is also doing well. She finished off her freshman year as being the best back stroker in the Junior Varsity Swim Team. She has also joined the 15-18 age group water polo team. Their water polo team made it to the quarter finals in NCS. This was the highest level in the Las Lomas High School girls history. She ended up with the third highest shooting percentage in the team. The most amazing thing is, she is only 15 years old.
For Dave, he has been diligent in his yoga and exercise program. He has lost a total of 20 lbs. Unfortunately for him and family, his last day of work was on November 26.
His company, a home Equity company has also been affected by the mortgage crisis. He is looking at being laid off as an opportunity to start a new adventure in life and not a depressing and anxiety filled and stressful situation. With this positive attitude, it is only a matter of time before that new adventure will appear.
Note: On April 1, 2009, both Dinah and Dave started working for a local bank on a contract basis. Hopefully as the economy improves, they will be converted into permanent employees with all benefits restored. Please include them in your prayers.
So, as I conclude this annual newsletter, I want to bring to all of you the blessing of our gratitude for being a part of our lives this year. May all the joys of the season be with you this Christmas and New Year. Namaste, Dinah Katague"
Note: Dinah is my oldest daughter. She was born in Chicago, Illinois. She obtained her BA degree from Sacramento State University and her Certificate in Paralegal Studies at St. Mary College in Moraga, California. She was formerly married to David King, a former classmate. They have two children, Ian, 23 and Elaine, 21, both college students.
Here's an article on Dinah's Pottery Projects published in the Walnut Creek newspaper.
The following is an article about my oldest daughter hobby of "neriage" printed in the Contra Costa Times. Have you heard of the word "neriage"?
Walnut Creek artist says more to clay art than meets the eye By Janice De Jesus contracostatimes.com Clay artist Dinah Katague, of Walnut Creek, displays some of bowls she has made at the Civic Arts. Eight years ago, Dinah Katague came to know her new Walnut Creek home at the same time she rediscovered a passion with clay art. The Civic Arts Education Clay Arts Guild she joined was her home away from home. "I didn't know anyone in the neighborhood so I thought, this is my time for myself," said Katague. "I thought it was a good way to meet new people."
While she dabbled in sculptures by hand in high school and using the pottery wheel in college, Katague took a long break from clay. But when she embraced the art again eight years ago, she took the art on full force, adopting a technique of staining clay with different colors, layering it and then throwing it all together. Called "neriage," the technique -- first used in ancient Egypt and perfected in early modern Japan -- has given Katague's bowls and vases new life. She and her fellow artists will be displaying work at a garden-themed Clay Arts Guild Spring Sale Friday through Sunday. The garden-art-themed show will feature several artists' work, including planters and wall pots with live plants as well as wall art, wind chimes, bird feeders and houses, fountains, garden sculpture and garden lights.
Pottery, sculpture and dinnerware will also be available, both hand built and wheel-thrown pieces. "I call it my hurricane effect," Katague said of the neriage technique. "I guess I'm in my 'chaos period.' " Still, it is a period where the artist said she feels the calmest. "I notice when I'm throwing clay on the wheel, it's much easier to get into that zone," she said. "I look forward to doing this Wednesdays and Sundays."
Earlier on in her pottery life, the second year she learned how to throw that perfect pot, she remembers sitting at the wheel during open studio feeling so new and inexperienced, she said. "I overworked my pot and one side collapsed," she said. "I was just really mentally and emotionally defeated. At that moment, I was wondering if this pottery thing was a good idea for a hobby. Then a really nice woman came over to me and said, 'Oh, we can fix that.' She proceeded to bend in the other sides to match, added a few little knobs of clay and the once 'destroyed' pot became a beautiful artistic bowl. She looked at me and said, 'Dinah, in art there are no mistakes, just artistic opportunities.' " Since then, Katague has tried to live life with that philosophy learned in pottery class.
The artist credits teacher Lynne Meade for introducing neriage to her work. "A while back I did a one-day demonstration of inlaid colored clay for Dinah's class," Meade said. "Since then she has taken the technique and made amazing progress with it. She's taken it to new places despite technical difficulties and challenges. "She has persevered with her vision even when it seemed too difficult, Meade added. "That, to me, is the mark of a good artist and a great student -- when you give them a tiny seed and they nurture it into a blossoming tree. As a teacher, it is what you hope for and wait for. When you see it, it's always gratifying."
I am proud of your accomplishments, my beloved daughter!
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