Now that I caught your attention let me continue and finish the title by adding the phrases from boredom and feeling useless. I retired in the Fall of 2002 but did not start blogging until the summer of 2008. During that six years interval, I tried to keep busy by getting very involved with the daily management of my small beach resort business in Marinduque, Philippines. In between I helped my wife baby sat for our youngest grand daughter, Carenna Katague Thompson. When Carenna started kindergarten our involvement in her care became minimal and I found plenty of time during the day in this time period of my retirement years. I was starting to get bored and feeling useless.
A neighbor suggested, I should blog. At first I was apprehensive, that no one will be interested in reading my blogs. But I decided I should really blog to advertise my beach resort in Marinduque. Besides the business resort, I was not sure what other topics should I write. I asked the opinions of relatives and friends on what subject should I write and someone says write from your heart. It was a "no brainer" then, when my first blog was about my childhood experiences during the Japanese-American War in the Philippines*. This was followed by my complete autobiography, http://theintellectualmigrant.blogspot.com and http:davidbkatague.blogspot.com. Three others blog followed: http://marinduqueawaitsyou.blogspot.com, http://marinduqueonmymind.blogspot.com, and http://marinduquemyislandparadise.blogspot.com. The three blogs highlighted, my love for Marinduque, our second home.

Later on I started http://lifeinus1960present.blogspot.com and my most recent blog is http://myfavoritepinoydishes.blogspot.com I have also two age-restricted blogs, Controversial and Award Winning Movies and Amazing and Sexy Images in the Internet
Today, I have an active writing account from Skrive.it and from squidoo.com. I also used to write for Viewshound, a writing site that is now defunct. I have submitted two articles for Socivate a new writing site. I have ads accounts from Googles, Infolinks and Chitika. My average monthly earnings from these three accounts is $10. This is just enough to buy me a cup of coffee from Starbuck and a half foot long sandwich from Subway. I have a Facebook account and more than 600 friends. Most of my FB friends regularly click the LIKE button in my articles. I wish though that these LIKERS will become CLICKERS of my ads.
As of today, I have written 1167 articles. I average about 500 readers per day in my nine blogs and have received more than 400 comments. I have a total of almost two million page views and readers from 166 countries Majority of my readers are from US and in the Philippines.
Blogging has indeed saved my life from boredom and feeling useless. Thank you again to all my readers all over the world for your support and specially your comments. Keep it coming!
*This article was a gold award winner of $50 given by ViewsHound in 2010.
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