Tuesday, July 30, 2024

UNFIT: The Documentary on the Psychology of Donald Trump

I watched This Documentary in my Prime Video the other day and I agree with the  review below. Now that President Biden has withdrawn, The Democrats chance of Defeating Trump has gone to higher level. Democrats unite and save America from the mad Dictator.   As of this writing date, Kamala Harris presumptive Democratic Nominee is leading Trump by 8 points from Independent Voters. The future of Kamala Harris looks bright!

This documentary shows the consequential repercussions of having Trump as our President again, due to his seriously flawed personality traits. It's so much more than his leadership skills and what policies he will put into place. How can we let this man lead our nation when his core values are the opposite of what we teach our children (be honest & kind, love your neighbor, share, apologize when you've done wrong, communicate openly, be openminded, forgive, etc.)? I learned in his first Presidency, Trump didn't unite the country during crisis nor did he intelligently try to help, instead he avoided responsibilty and denied Covid existed. If President again, he most likely will promote hate and encourage separating an already divided country. I believe he only cares about himself, threatens our democracy and we have too much at stake to let him be president again in 2024, if given the chance. We need a leader with a strong sense of character who will bring the nation together, promote positive changes and not tear it further apart. We truly need a leader to step up and serve the people of our great nation...TRUMP IS NOT MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN AND TRULY NEVER DID!

For other reviews visit:


Meanwhile, here's the highlights of THD Events for July 29 to August 4.  The Sound Bath scheduled for Saturday, August 3 at 3PM, I highly recommend.  For the Benefits of Sound-Bathing read my article on this subject at bottom of the page.💚 


Monday, July 29, 2024

Eighteen Interesting Facts about Paris, France

The next 16 days, I will be watching the XXXIII Olympic Games in Paris, France. The opening ceremony the other was one of the best Opening Ceremony in the history of the modern Olympic Games. Paris was indeed the City of Light ( Lasers).  TEAM USA IS doing well after the second day leading the medal count.     
Here are 18 facts about Paris that you should probably know.

1. The Paris Metro has several "ghost stations" that are no longer in use. One of the most famous is Arsenal, which was closed in 1939.
2. Gustave Eiffel's apartment at the top of the Eiffel Tower still exists. It's now a museum, showcasing how it looked when he lived there.
3. Montmartre, known for its artistic history, has a hidden vineyard called Clos Montmartre, which still produces wine.
4. The Palais Garnier Opera House has a hidden apartment designed for the building's architect, Charles Garnier.
5. The oldest house in Paris is located at 51 Rue de Montmorency and dates back to 1407. It belonged to the alchemist Nicolas Flamel.
6. The shortest street in Paris, Rue des Degrés, is just 5.75 meters long and consists solely of a staircase.
7. The Opera Garnier has an underground lake, originally a natural water source that became part of its infrastructure.
8. During the liberation of Paris in 1944, the secret password was "Tante Sally."
9. Rue des Morts in the 5th arrondissement was once a street where people with disfigured faces due to World War I injuries lived and received treatment.
10. La Campagne à Paris in the 20th arrondissement is a small, hidden village within the city, complete with quaint houses and gardens.
11. The Tour Jean-sans-Peur, a medieval tower built in the early 15th century, is tucked away in the 2nd arrondissement.
12. Candelaria, a speakeasy-style bar, is hidden behind a taco shop in Le Marais.
13. Le Procope, founded in 1686, is the oldest café in Paris and was frequented by Voltaire, Rousseau, and Benjamin Franklin.
14. The Canal Saint-Martin was partly covered in the mid-19th century, and today, parts of it run underground.
15. At the Arc de Triomphe, there's an elevator hidden within one of the pillars for those who can't or don't want to climb the stairs.
16. The Pont des Arts was once used as a toll bridge, where artists would set up their easels and paint the river views.
17. Place de la Concorde, now a famous square, was once the site of many public executions during the French Revolution.
18. The Bièvre River, once a prominent waterway in Paris, now flows entirely underground through the city.

Meanwhile, Another Gastronomic Event- The THD Annual Hawaiian Luau ( Cocktail Hour and Dinner) is scheduled for Friday, August 9, 2024. I am looking forward for this Event not only for the Delicious Food, but I will get a chance to wear one of my many Hawaiian Colorful Shirts. Here are the flyers:

I Hope you Attend the Chair Volleyball Games at the Yoga Room, Today, Tomorrow and Wednesday at 10:45AM.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

A Timely Reminder to All Pet Owners Here at THD

The above reminder addressed to the THD Pet owners was very timely. The day before I received this notice as a cat owner, I was almost a victim ( that is step-on a dog poo ) of an irresponsible dog owner who did not pick her/his dog poo on the Court- yard lawn of THD . I was on my way from the Fairmount Building to Newton's via the Library. I did not report this incident to the Front Desk because I was able to avoid the poo and I was not sure whose job is it to solve this problem. 

However, this same incident happened to me last year. At that time, I reported it to Liza Bellini- our Resident Liaison at that time. Lisa immediately took a dog poo plastic scooper and she told me to show it to her. I did and Lisa immediately took care of the problem.  Then the above same reminder was posted.

So, there is a dog owner here at THD who for some reasons or another appear irresponsible. I hope you will not repeat this incident and Pick up your dog S--t.  

 Speaking of Pets, I have just finished reading an article from yesterday's issue from the East Bay Times on " Fight Loneliness with Furry Friends. 

Here are excerpts from the article: Pets Provide not only psychological but also physical benefits for Older Adults.

"San Mateo County which declared loneliness a public health emergency earlier this year, has been running a campaign to address social isolation and loneliness.  That included a Recent Peninsula Humane Society event promoting pet adoption and therapy animals. Recently, the county approved $1 Million in funding to implement anti-loneliness program. Pet companionship alleviates stress, improving heart rate and blood pressure and encouraging physical activity.  Cognitive Decline among the aging is slower among pet owners than non-owners". 

I am not a dog owner, so picking up dog poo's on public areas here at THD is not my problem. I am a 2-cats resident owner of Batman and Robin.  I do indeed change their cat litter diligently for my own sake and have no effect on other senior residents here at THD. Here's Batman and Robin on their favorite spot on my patio.

From Left to Right: Robin (more white on his face) and Batman. They are both neutered males, American Short Hair Breed.  Both are only 2 years old.   Notice the wire netting preventing them from gallivanting outside. They love watching the squirrels and occasional humming birds in the vicinity.     

Again, Be a Responsible Pet Owner and Do Not forget to clean-up your Dog S---t.    

Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Noise Level at Newton's and Its Health Effects

The other day, I was reading an article ( see article at bottom of the Page) on the health effects of loud and excessive  Restaurant Noise from the Washington Post💚. It reminded me of our own restaurant- the Newtons here at THD. 

For the last year since I moved here at THD, I heard numerous complaints both from old and new residents that noise level at Newton's at Dinner Time is so loud we could barely hear each other. There has been numerous suggestion from residents how to improve the acoustic as well as the cooling system( arctic mode) of Newtons. But as of today, I do not foresee a solution to the problem.

Today, with more new residents checking in ( July and August months) the dining room is always full to capacity at dinner time. I estimated that the total THD residents should be around 115-120.  The capacity of Newtons restaurant is well below 100. Luckily a few residents prefer to eat in their apartments, but at Dinner Time Newton's inside is filled to capacity and the noise level is bad. A few residents have hearing problems, so they choose to eat alone in the corner tables. 

When the weather is nice and not too hot, about a dozen residents  avail themselves with outdoor dining( 2-tables for 4, and 1 table for 3) with no noise problem hearing dining conversations. However, in order to get these outdoor seats, one must be there by 4:45PM if not earlier. You can not reserved the seats unless you have an outside guest. 

Inside The Newton's Restaurant at Dinner Time- Filled to Full Capacity-Out Door Tables Available during Summer Months and Good Weather

Here's the summary of the article on restaurant noise and its bad health effects to both Patrons and Staff. 

From The Washington Post on the Noise Level from Restaurants:
"It’s still noisy out there( Restaurants) and Wang and other experts point to mounting evidence that excessive noise is more than a minor inconvenience. Our brains have a tough time sorting through the cacophony in crowded dining rooms, which can influence our behavior. Multiple studies show that prolonged exposure to noise has physical effects such as increased anxiety and fatigue. Taken together, these effects can make the restaurant experience more taxing than relaxing for patrons, and they can leave staff drained from a long day straining to offer service while risking permanent hearing damage.

Experts are advocating for standards that would not only alleviate customer complaints, but also protect the health of patrons and staff members. And with the number of people dining out slightly declining after a pandemic rebound, restaurateurs should have more motivation to try new technologies and materials to suppress noise and lure more diners to their tables.   For details visit:         


Friday, July 26, 2024

The Coconut Trees of te Philippines and the Kamala Harris Meme

The Dwarf Variety of the Coconut- I have 4 trees in my Gardens at Chateau Du Mer, Philippines

From Roots to Fruits: Endless Possibilities of the Coconut Tree
The coconut tree stands not only as a symbol of tropical beauty but it also serves a crucial role in the agricultural landscape of the Philippines. Accounting for over 70% of the world's production, this towering icon bears a staggering yield, with a single palm capable of producing anywhere from 20 to 150 mature fruits. Beyond providing lumber for shelter or firewood, the coconut's gratifying sweetness and freshness enrich the plates and livelihoods of countless Filipinos, weaving itself into the very fabric of their daily lives.
📊 Source:
Philippine Statistics Authority. 2021. 2016-2020. Crops Statistics of the Philippines

A Yellow Variety of The Dwarf Coconut

The coconut tree is sometimes called the Tree of life. Why?

The coconut tree provides food, fuel, cosmetics, folk medicine and building materials, among many other uses. The inner flesh of the mature seed, as well as the coconut milk extracted from it, form a regular part of the diets of many people in the tropics and subtropics. Coconuts are distinct from other fruits because their endospermcontains a large quantity of clear liquid, called "coconut water" or "coconut juice". Mature, ripe coconuts can be used as edible seeds, or processed for oil and plant milk from the flesh, charcoal from the hard shell, and coirfrom the fibrous husk

Dried coconut flesh is called copra, and the oil and milk derived from it are commonly used in cooking – frying in particular – as well as in soaps and cosmetics. Sweet coconut sap can be made into drinks or fermented into palm wine or coconut vinegar. The hard shells, fibrous husks and long pinnate leaves can be used as material to make a variety of products for furnishing and decoration. 

The Standard Coconut tree is tall and only experienced Climbers Can Harvest the Nuts or sometimes they used a long bamboo poles with sharp knives attached to it to slash the nuts at the top of the tree.  Do you see any Face in the Photo? I do!

Meanwhile here's a video of Kamala Harris coconut tree-meme that has the Internet World on Fire. 


Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Thing of Beauty is A Joy Forever

"When asked to reveal her beauty secrets, actress Audrey Hepburn wrote this poem, which was read at her funeral: 

1. "To have attractive lips, say kind words. 

2. To have beautiful eyes, look at what people have beautiful in them. 

3. To stay thin, share the meal with those who are hungry. 

4. To have beautiful hair, let a child run his hand through your hair every day.

5. To have a good expectation, to go knowing that you are never alone, but together with those who love you and have loved you. People, even more than objects, must be repaired, pampered, revived, reclaimed and saved: never reject anyone. Think about it: 

5. If you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of every arm. As you grow older, you will realize that you have two hands, one to help yourself, the other to help those who need it.

6. A woman's beauty is not in the clothes she wears, her face or the way she does her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because they are the open door to her heart, the source of her love. The beauty of a woman is not in her makeup, but in the true beauty of her soul. It is the tenderness it gives, the love, the passion it expresses. A woman's beauty develops with the years." 

She was born on May 4, 1929 (d. 1993)" Source: Gabriela Manescu

Beauty Quotes
  • Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. ... 
  • The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. ... 
  • Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting. .. 
  • Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.

Lastly, I attended, Jeff's Wessman 2nd Lecture on Awakening Joy for Seniors last night. It was great but what stuck in my mind is the Serenity Prayer that I am reposting for you today.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

When Jeff asked the audience of things we do that gave us joy, I blurted Writing Daily via my blogs. I was not surprised that Making a journal was listed as one of the things one can do to give us joy in the Moment!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Secrets of SkinWalker Ranch- TV Series Review

I have watched this TV Series from Season 1 to now on its 5th Season with great pleasure and awe as the story unfold. This season  I learned a new topic, " Remote Viewing". using psychics to draw what they see based on the location given to them.  So what is Remote Viewing?

"Remote viewing is defined as the ability to acquire accurate information about a distant or non-local place, person or event without using your physical senses or any other obvious means. It’s associated with the idea of clairvoyance, seemingly being able to spontaneously know something without actually knowing how you got the information. It is also sometimes called “anomalous cognition” or “second sight.”

Many of us experience this from time to time as an intuitive flash of insight that turns out to be correct. Many well-known entrepreneurs and business people, like George Soros, Conrad Hilton, Thomas Alva Edison and Akio Morita, the co-founder of Sony, have attributed their business success to this ability. And we’ve all seen natural psychics perform seemingly amazing feats of mental skill on TV.

The difference between natural psychic receptivity and remote viewing is that the latter is a trained skill, a controlled process, that the average person can learn to do, to some degree or another ". (https://www.gaia.com/article/what-is-remote-viewing

I do not fully believe in it, but the results speak for itself.  Here's what Wikipedia say about this TV series:  

Skinwalker Ranch and the surrounding area have been referred to as "UFO alley" since the 1950s when numerous anomalous events and strange activity began occurring. A team of scientists and experts conducts a thorough and daring search of the infamous 512-acre property in Utah's Uinta Basin in an attempt to find out the answers behind more than 200 years of UFO sightings, strange animal mutations, and paranormal related mysteries. Scientists use the latest in cutting-edge technology, like ground-penetrating radar and drones, to seek shocking discoveries.

The TV series is now in its 5th Season and I am still enjoying it.  Here's the summary of the 5th Season.   

The fifth season of The HISTORY Channel’s popular series “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch” tracks the boldest efforts yet of ranch owner Brandon Fugal and his team led by principal investigator Erik Bard and astrophysicist Dr. Travis Taylor to reveal the ultimate truth behind the infamous 512-acre anomalous property in Northeastern Utah. The mysterious area known as the Triangle remains a key focus for the team, while Erik and Travis lead new operations in the adjacent area known as the East Field; a location where they have previously captured footage of UAPs, and discovered ancient Native American petroglyphs and rock formations depicting interdimensional portals.

Additionally, this season follows the team as they conduct new advanced technology, drilling, and digging operations that leave them stunned with new discoveries. As they employ their most invasive operation to date, it is revealed that what the team could be dealing with is not only something that is not of this world, but that may also be related to other phenomena that they have encountered across the property thus far.

Meanwhile, enjoy this comparative table when you were young and now:

Last but not least, Last Night CandleLight Concert was another live musical event that I enjoyed very much. The highlights of the One hour acoustic guitar presentation were Cohens's Alleluia and My Cheating Heart. Thank you, David Landon for a fun one hour musical Saturday evening here at THD.

Again Kudos to Galen for another successful CandleLight Concert!   

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Four Types of Intelligence Quotient

I found the following article on my FaceBook Page Today. I found it very interesting, so I am sharing it with you,

"According to Psychologists, there are four types of Intelligence:
1) Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
2) Emotional Quotient (EQ)
3) Social Quotient (SQ)
4) Adversity Quotient (AQ)
1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): this is the measure of your level of comprehension. You need IQ to solve maths, memorize things, and recall lessons.
2. Emotional Quotient (EQ): this is the measure of your ability to maintain peace with others, keep to time, be responsible, be honest, respect boundaries, be humble, genuine and considerate.
3. Social Quotient (SQ): this is the measure of your ability to build a network of friends and maintain it over a long period of time.
People that have higher EQ and SQ tend to go further in life than those with a high IQ but low EQ and SQ. Most schools capitalize on improving IQ levels while EQ and SQ are played down.
A man of high IQ can end up being employed by a man of high EQ and SQ even though he has an average IQ.
Your EQ represents your Character, while your SQ represents your Charisma. Give in to habits that will improve these three Qs, especially your EQ and SQ.
Now there is a 4th one, a new paradigm:
4. The Adversity Quotient (AQ): The measure of your ability to go through a rough patch in life, and come out of it without losing your mind.
When faced with troubles, AQ determines who will give up, who will abandon their family, and who will consider suicide.
Parents please expose your children to other areas of life than just Academics. They should adore manual labour (never use work as a form of punishment), Sports and Arts.
Develop their IQ, as well as their EQ, SQ and AQ. They should become multifaceted human beings able to do things independently of their parents, teachers & coaches.
Finally, do not prepare the road for your children. Prepare your children for the road."

Wishing you have raised your children and your children raised your grandchildren, the Balance-Four Types of Intelligence. If you have, I guarantee your children and grandchildren will have a happy and successful life. 

Meanwhile, Here's a photo of our lunch excursion last month at FOB Kitchen, in case you have not read my previous posting on this subject.
THD Residents Lunch Excursion, FOB Kitchen, Oakland. CA June 20, 2024

Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Miracle if My Potted Pineapple Plant will Bear Fruit This Year

My Potted Pineapple with Fruit in Front Patio of MY House in Fair Oaks. June, 2022


When I moved from Fair Oaks to THD last year, I was able to bring with me, one of my potted pineapple plant. After almost over a year in my patio, here at THD ( see photo below), It had not recovered from the move. Currently, it is only getting about 2 to 3 hours of afternoon sun in my patio. It will be a miracle if it will bear fruit this year. But if it does, I will consider it a miracle.  

MY THD Patio is perfect for shade-loving plants but not for tropical plants like the pineapple that required a lot of sun to thrive well.    

My sickly Potted Pineapple Plant, one year after my downsizing move.  Here are recent photos of my patio after my weekly cleaning service and the transplanted pineapple. The pineapple still looks sickly, 

My Jade Plants are Doing Well as well as my cacti and Succulent Collections

I transplanted my potted Christmas Poinsettia Outside. Hopefully it will grow and blooms( red leaves) this December.  Guarded with plastic so Batman and Robin will leave the plant alone.  

Potted Pineapple is still looking sickly-Need more hours of sunlight daily.... 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

How I Feel in Love with the Philippines

I found this article on my FaceBook page today. I am delighted to share it with you.

By Malcolm Conlan
I have always had a passion for the Philippines and Filipino people. I guess this started when I was around 19 years old.
I had never actually heard of the Philippines until then to be honest. Geography was not my strongest subject at school and I guess the Philippines was a distant place with no real connection to my life.
Then it all changed in 1989 when I first went to watch what has become my favourite musical ever, #MissSaigon. These were the days before you could google where a place was or look at street view or anything like that. In fact in those days, calling abroad would cost you £2 a minute and we posted this thing called ‘a letter’.
Joking apart, I bought a souvenir brochure at the show and quickly discovered that many of the incredible talented actors from the show originated from the Philippines, including Lea Salonga, Miguel Diaz, Robert Sena, Monique Wilson and Cocoy Laurel.
I decided to travel the 7,000 Miles or so in what was one of my first ever trips abroad and venture to the place I now call home. When I arrived, I was captivated by how friendly and welcoming everyone was. Everyone was helpful, smiling and interested in why I went there.
Yes, in those days, there was the occasional area you might not want to visit and the occasional scammer etc. However I have to say in all of my some 60 trips I have found the country to be very safe and welcoming. Every time I go home, I continue to be impressed by the continual improvements in the country.
As there was no #Facebook back then, when you wanted to stay in touch with people, you wrote them a letter or sent a FEDEX or similar and waited an age for a reply. Calling people of course was even more difficult and expensive.
So having fallen in love with the country, I decided to somehow dedicate a part of my life to the #Philippines. Strange coincidence, but I ended up working with a filipino guy for a few years at London Buses, so through that, I got into Filipino culture, parties and a new circle of friends.
My friend and his wife, then introduced me to my future wife, Susan, only recently we celebrated our 25th year of marriage. First time I met her family, around 26 years ago, I ended up staying with them and sleeping in a little Bahay Kubo, which was a little funny as I ended up banging my head every time I got up. Those were the days, remembered fondly haha.
Thing is, some people say why am I so interested in Filipino culture, events, people, politics and of course tourism, I guess it stems from my first impressions of the Filipino people from way back nearly 30 years ago, I hope and pray that other foreigners like myself, fall in love with the culture and people, I now regard as my extended family.
Maybe I was a Filipino in a former life, whatever it is, I am just at my happiest when I am either in the Philippines or with Filipinos. I am very fortunate that through that passion, I have got to meet some very famous Filipino actors, (some even follow me on Instagram lol) Ambassadors, politicians and even 4 Philippine Presidents!!!
Please follow me on Instagram, Tik Tok and X as well as my YouTube channel, Pusong Pinoy with Malcolm Conlan, Maraming Salamat po sa inyong lahat!! For the authors articles about the Philippines. read…

Now for some Good News: As of today, my blog, Becoming Americanhttp://lifeinus1960present.blogspot.com has now 1,033,888  page views. It reached the 1 million viewers worldwide last December.   

My second most popular blog, The Intellectual Migrantshttp://theintellectualmigrants.blogspot.com has now 922, 504 page views.  I expect it to reach a million page views worldwide by the end of 2024.   

Please continue reading my blogs. Your comments is highly appreciated.  

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