Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Three Types of Phobias and Possible Treatments

This posting is inspired by recent experience of a relative who is a resident of an active Senior Living Community in Southern California similar to THD. My relative informed me that she recently meet another resident in their community for the first time. She thought she was new and try to make small talk and appear to be friendly to the newcomer. During their conversation my relative was surprised that the person she thought to be a newcomer has been residing in their community for over 5 years. My relative found out this person has Social Phobia and is under treatment. Her going out of her apartment and attempt to socialize was part of her therapy. I asked my relative perhaps the reason she does not want any body to know where she is, is the fact that she is under the FBI protection witness Program.  My relative informed me that this person is not listed in their community phone book as well as no mail box, so she must be hiding or perhaps under the FBI Witness Protection Program. My relative informed me,  it is a possibility, but unlikely.  Thinking about it, I feel that Senior Living Communities are ideal, for hiding places and as a place for the FBI Witness Protection Program, specially if it is located in rural community or big cities. 

People who isolate themselves are suffering from Social or Agora Phobia.  I did some search and here are the three common types of phobias and possible treatments.   

 Types of Phobias 

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) identifies three different categories of phobias:

  1. Social phobias: Now known as social anxiety disorder, this phobia is marked by a fear of social situations in which a person might be judged or embarrassed.
  2. Agoraphobia: This phobia involves an irrational and extreme fear of being in places where escape is difficult. It may involve a fear of crowded places or even of leaving one's home or apartment.
  3. Specific phobias: When people talk about having a phobia of a specific object such as snakes, spiders, or needles, they are referring to a specific phobia. 
  4. I have claustrophobia- fear of closed/confined places as well as
  5. agoraphobia( heights).  However, I definitely do not have social 
  6. phobia, since I love to associate with people.

  7. Here's Possible Phobia Treatments. For details visit the link below:
  8. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/specific-phobias/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20355162

Meanwhile enjoy this recent photo of my two apartment companion here at THD

   My Next blog will be about cat's intelligence compared to dogs. Tune In! 

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