Monday, April 22, 2024

Three Types of Aging/Passover Holidays

  • The topic of aging gracefully is a popular topic during meal times here at THD. Allow me to post an article on the three types of Aging that I have read recently. The Chemistry of Aging I will discuss in my future blogs. There are 3 types of Aging.  
  • 1.Chronologic age is based solely on the passage of time. It is a person's age in years. .. 
  • 2. Biologic age refers to changes in the body that commonly occur as people age. ... 
  • 3.Psychologic age is based on how people act and feel.


Aging is a gradual, continuous process of natural change that begins in early adulthood. During early middle age, many bodily functions begin to gradually decline.

People do not become old or elderly at any specific age. Traditionally, age 65 has been designated as the beginning of old age. But the reason was based in history, not biology. Many years ago, age 65 was chosen as the age for retirement in Germany, the first nation to establish a retirement program. In 1965 in the United States, age 65 was designated as the eligibility age for Medicare insurance. This age is close to the actual retirement age of most people in economically advanced societies.

When a person becomes old can be answered in different ways:

  • Chronologic age is based solely on the passage of time. It is a person’s age in years. Chronologic age has limited significance in terms of health. Nonetheless, the likelihood of developing a health problem increases as people age, and it is health problems, rather than normal aging, that are the primary cause of functional loss during old age. Because chronologic age helps predict many health problems, it has some legal and financial uses.

  • Biologic age refers to changes in the body that commonly occur as people age. Because these changes affect some people sooner than others, some people are biologically old at 65, and others not until a decade or more later. However, most noticeable differences in apparent age among people of similar chronologic age are caused by lifestyle, habit, and subtle effects of disease rather than by differences in actual aging.

  • Psychologic age is based on how people act and feel. For example, an 80-year-old who works, plans, looks forward to future events, and participates in many activities is considered psychologically younger.

Normal aging

People often wonder whether what they are experiencing as they age is normal or abnormal. Although people age somewhat differently, some changes result from internal processes, that is, from aging itself. Thus, such changes, although undesired, are considered normal and are sometimes called "pure aging." These changes occur in everyone who lives long enough, and that universality is part of the definition of pure aging. The changes are to be expected and are generally unavoidable. For example, as people age, the lens of the eye thickens, stiffens, and becomes less able to focus on close objects, such as reading materials (a disorder called presbyopia). This change occurs in virtually all older people. Thus, presbyopia is considered normal aging. Other terms used to describe these changes are "usual aging" and "senescence."

Did You Know...

  • Average life expectancy has increased a lot, but maximum life span has increased little if at all.

Exactly what constitutes normal aging is not always clear. Changes that occur with normal aging make people more likely to develop certain disorders. However, people can sometimes take actions to compensate for these changes. For example, older people are more likely to lose teeth. But seeing a dentist regularly, eating fewer sweets, and brushing and flossing regularly may reduce the chances of tooth loss. Thus, tooth loss, although common with aging, is an avoidable part of aging.

Also, functional decline that is part of aging sometimes seems similar to functional decline that is part of a disorder. For example, with advanced age, a mild decline in mental function is nearly universal and is considered normal aging. This decline includes increased difficulty learning new things such as languages, decreased attention span, and increased forgetfulness. In contrast, the decline that occurs in dementia is much more severe. For example, people who are aging normally may misplace things or forget details, but people who have dementia forget entire events. People with dementia also have difficulty doing normal daily tasks (such as driving, cooking, and handling finances) and understanding the environment, including knowing what year it is and where they are. Thus, dementia is considered a disorder, even though it is common later in life. Certain kinds of dementia, such as Alzheimer disease, differ from normal aging in other ways as well. For example, brain tissue (obtained during autopsy) in people with Alzheimer disease looks different from that in older people without the disease. So the distinction between normal aging and dementia is clear.

Healthy (successful) aging

Healthy aging refers to postponement of or reduction in the undesired effects of aging. The goals of healthy aging are maintaining physical and mental health, avoiding disorders, and remaining active and independent. For most people, maintaining general good health requires more effort as they age. Developing certain healthy habits can help, such as 

  • Following a nutritious diet

  • Avoiding cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol use

  • Exercising regularly

  • Staying mentally active

The sooner a person develops these habits, the better. However, it is never too late to begin. In this way, people can have some control over what happens to them as they age.

The Beauty of Aging
  • “Aging is not 'lost youth' but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” ... 
  • “The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.” ... 
  • “In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. ... 
  • “Count your age by friends, not years. ... 
  • “Aging has a wonderful beauty, and we should have respect for that.”
Meanwhile, enjoy this photo of the most beautiful sunset ever photographed.

I will give you a dollar if you can guess the location of this Photograph~💚

My Personal Wish of a Happy Passover Celebration to All My Jewish Friends here at THD. We have a number of Jewish Residents here at THD that I know personally and also my guess because of their last names.  

In case of you do not know what is Passover:  The holiday starts Monday, April 22 and ends Tuesday, April 30.

  • It commemorates the biblical story of the Jewish people's escape from slavery in ancient Egypt. During the first two and last two days of Passover, some observant Jews do not work, according to Chabad-Lubavitch Media CenterPassover observers eat matzo, an unleavened bread, which is a flat crisp bread like a cracker. It's a reminder that there was no time for the dough to rise when the Jews fled Egypt.  The first Passover Seder will be on April 22 after nightfall, and the second Seder will be on April 23 after nightfall.
  • People who observe the holiday try to avoid food with grains, known as "chametz," like breads, pastas, pizza and beer.
  • .
    THD has prepared A SPECIAL DINNER to celebrate Passover as follows:

  • The holiday, which is about freedom, will be a particularly emotional one for many Jews, because of the ongoing war in Gaza and record antisemitism.
    • Lastly here my quote on Old Age: Old age is like a plane flying through a storm. Once you're aboard, there's nothing you can do. You can't stop the plane, you can't stop the storm. you can't stop time. So one might as well accept it calmly and wisely- Golda Meir, 1898-1974, Israeli Prime Minister.

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