Friday, May 7, 2021

Tomorrow Would Have Been Our 64th Wedding Anniversary

During our 50th Wedding Anniversary, Boac, Marinduque, 2007

Tomorrow, Saturday, May 8, 2021 would have been our 64th Wedding Anniversary.

Our Wedding Day, May 8, 1957. Boac, Marinduque, Philippines

Tomorrow will also be Dinah's (my oldest daughter) 60th birthday. Dinah our oldest daughter was born in Chicago, Illinois on May 8, 1961. She was our 4th year Anniversary gift.  Happy Birthday Dinah. 

The following article is Chapter 15 of my autobiography, featuring Dinah and her family posted in my blog 7 years ago.

Macrine (RIP) passed away on August 10, 2020. May She Rest in Peace. Amen 

Photo Above: Dodie, Dinah, David E and Ditas with grandchildren, Ian, Elaine and Carenna, Boac Cathedral, Marinduque, Philippines   

Meanwhile, enjoy these photos from our backyard:  

Cactus in Bloom and a Boat Ride in our Pool


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