Monday, November 23, 2020

Have You Tasted Ostrich Steaks?

I first tasted ostrich steak several years ago at a restaurant owned by Macrine's first cousin, MYLK( My Little Kitchen) located in Greenbelt Shopping Mall, Makati, Philippines. I believe the restaurant had closed.

At that time, I was curious who was the supplier of the Meat. Macrine cousin  informed us that the source of the meat is from ostrich farms in Davao, Southern Philippines. 

Ostrich Raising in Redmond, Oregon

It was one of the best tasting meat, I have tasted in my life. It taste like a cross between a steak and chicken, more on the steak taste.

Ostrich meat doesn't taste like other birds. It's meat is red like venison and the taste is similar to prime beef. Other's say it tastes like veal. ... The meat comes in all of the cuts that beef comes in, including steaks and burgers, as well as ground meat.

Ostrich is a very versatile lean meat. It looks like venison and tastes like filet steak. It is very low in cholesterol and therefore healthier than beef. 

The average ostrich, typically butchered at 14 months of age, will produce about 75–130 lbs of meat. Ground ostrich meat ranges from $10–15/lb, with filets at $25–50/lb and tenderloins upwards of $50/lb. At the average wholesale price of $20/lb, that's a minimum of $1500 per bird.
Here in my neighborhood, three grocery and meat stores carries the meat, but I do not see a lot of customers buying it, because it is very expensive. But the taste is worth every penny you pay for such delicacy. 
If you have a chance taste it. It is better tasting than grilled lamb loin chops, veal or venison. I know most of us are not familiar with exotic meats, but again if you have the chance, taste it!!
Meanwhile enjoy this piece-one of Macrine's Favorite
Another rendition of Anton Rubenstein "Romance"

In this ranking, pork and lamb were #1 and # 2 favorites.

Meanwhile, enjoy this photo of my nite light gift to a relative who love cats.




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