Sunday, August 30, 2020

Coping with Grief: Community Involvement, Social Activities and Medical Mission-Part 4

In my last article, Coping up with Grief, Part 2 , I discussed Macrine's involvement with the Filipino-American community in the Washington DC area in 1999. Along with some photos during PAFC festivities ( Parade in Pennsylvania Ave and the Gala Ball), I cited my article on how we balance Frugality and Extravagance in our Marriage. 

In Part 4 of this series ( Coping up with Grief), I will reminisce Macrine's other community involvement, social activities and specifically the Marinduque International, Inc medical missions to her province of birth via photos.       

Macrine and I Getting ready for the Gala Ball in front of our Residence in Colesville,MD,  Macrine in her Beaded White Terno and Me in my Black Barong

Meanwhile, enjoy one of Macrine's Favorite piece, Rachmaninoff, Rhapsody -Theme of Paganini


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