Tuesday, March 17, 2020

New and Old Photos from My Album

New and Old Photos from My Album

Ditas and Carenna, 2020
It is time to forget the corona virus pandemic and stock market collapse for a few minutes and enjoy the following old and new photos from my Album! 

Ditas and Governor Gauvin Newsom, 2020
Yosemite National Park, Winter, 2020
Homemade Chili Relleno with Cholula Hot Sauce
A Carenna and Ditas Blanket
Macrine Eating Breakfast with Caretaker's Assistance, 2020
Macrine's High School Graduation-She is  Seating First on the Right-Front Row

Meanwhile, enjoy this short video of the wedding of Amiel and Erika, May, 1019 with CDM as the venue

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