Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dangers of Hyperglycemia

A close relative went to the ER just recently after a visit to Urgent Care showed  his blood sugar was 400 mg/dl. He had been lethargic before his check up at the Urgent Care Clinic and had an infection.  So I did some search on the dangers if your blood sugar level is above 300 milligrams per deciliter. Here it is:

"A blood sugar level of 300 is considered too high and may lead to extreme thirst, increased appetite, weight loss or fatigue, according to WebMD. If blood sugar levels continue to increase above 350 milligrams per deciliter, a patient may become unconscious or lethargic.

Mild high blood sugar is described as a blood sugar level between 200 and 350 milligrams per deciliter, explains WebMD. A blood sugar level higher than 350 milligrams per deciliter is a more serious problem that can lead to more severe symptoms such as blurry vision, drowsiness, light headedness, vomiting, rapid breathing and a weak pulse.

Patients with high blood sugar that continues to rise may lose consciousness, become confused or act extremely lethargic. Diabetics can avoid high blood sugar levels by taking their insulin or diabetes pills exactly as recommended. When high blood sugar occurs in spite of proper medication use, a patient should contact his doctor immediately. A change in medication or meal plans may be required.

Even though diabetics may not show any obvious symptoms, a sustained high blood sugar level has a number of long-lasting effects on the body, explains Mayo Clinic. Blood sugar coats the red blood cells, making them sticky and allowing cholesterol to build up on the insides of blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. High blood sugar also leads to eye problems, kidney damage, gum disease and nerve damage in many patients ". 
For details read:

Here's what to do if your blood sugar is Higher than 300.
 Meanwhile enjoy this photo from my collection:


Super Moon in Fair Oaks, CA


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