Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Surprise Visit from Agnes Apeles, President of MI, Inc

Yesterday, Macrine and I had a surprise short visit from Agnes and Flo Apeles from Calabasas, California. Agnes and hubby Flo were visiting their cousins in Elk Grove about a 30 minutes drive to our residence. They were on their way to Red Hawk Casino in Placerville and decided to drop by for a short visit. Agnes is the current President of MI, Inc.

In our younger days, Macrine and I were very active with the projects of this charitable organization. Macrine was President of MI, Inc, from 2004 to 2005.
Medical Mission of Love, MI, Inc 2004

The following are some photos during Agnes and Flo's visit:

Agnes also took a picture of my potted pineapple plant decorating our front porch entry and welcome sign of our residence.

Agnes presenting the award Plaque for Leadership to Macrine-former President of MI, Inc (2004-2005)

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