Wednesday, April 26, 2017

To Cultivate a Garden is to Walk with God

Today I planted my four vegetables for this year growing season. Since my backyard is occupied by a pool, I do not have enough space to plant vegetables in the ground, so I plant them in pots. This year as well as last year, I have two Chinese eggplants, one Big Boy Tomato and One pepper( yellow) plant that I will nourish and take care of until I will harvest a few eggplants, tomatoes and pepper for our personal consumption and satisfaction.

In my younger days, vegetable gardening is one of my favorite hobbies. As I get older and my knees start to hurt due to arthritis, my time for gardening as a hobby is now being replaced by on-line computer games and blogging. I know this is not healthy, but when your body tells you that working in the yard will later give you aches and pain, then you listen to what your body tells you. I have a plague in my front yard that says "To Cultivate a Garden is to Walk with God". If you are a Gardener you will probably agree, because when you are Gardening you forget all the worries in the world and that makes you Happy.

For more quotes on Gardening visit my site as follows:

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