Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Macrine and I Pampered Ourselves Today

I woke up this morning under the weather. My 81.6 years old body is aching. It is not due to our bed mattress because it is new. I decided I will treat and pamper myself later on today. I decided to have a manicure and spa pedicure at our neighborhood salon. Macrine and I have manicure and pedicure services on a routine basis when we are Marinduque.

However, Macrine is the only one who has her manicure and pedicure on a monthly basis here in Northern California. She has this done at our neighborhood nail salon operated by a Vietnamese-American family. The salon is headed by the Mother( she is the only one with good English command with the exception of the daughter). She is assisted by her husband, her sister, sister-in-law and just recently her 25 year old daughter.

The cost is $10 for manicure and $20 for a SPA pedicure plus a $2 tip. The name of the Salon is Elegant Nails, about one mile from our residence. This is indeed a reasonable price compared to other nail salons not operated by Vietnamese-Americans. Today I had the same service and I like it. I enjoyed the service especially the massage part of the service. Beginning today I will now pampered myself with these services on a regular basis.

I was curious why more than 80% of the nail salon business are in the capable hands of the Vietnamese-Americans here in Northern California. The following article and the above video answered my question.

http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-32544343 and

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