the late 1980's Macrine (RIP-my late spouse)) had been using a Presto
Pressure Cooking for Lengua( Beef Tongue) Estofado and Pigs Knuckles for
her Kare-kare and other Pinoy dishes until 2013 when she was diagnosed
with Parkinson. Since then I was the cook in the House but I did not use
our old pressure cooker because I was scared it will blow up on me and I
hate the noise of the cooker. However the other day, Ditas my youngest
daughter showed me her Instant Pot and my fear of cooking using a
pressure cooker had vanished.
The other day, Ditas cooked kare-kare (pig knuckles)using her modern Instant Pot. The pigs feet was soft and tender for only 30 minutes versus cooking in a regular oven top which will require from 2 to 3 hours.
Two months ago, I joined a FB Filipino cooking group and I ask the following question.
What Pinoy Dishes have you cooked using the Instant Pot/Pressure Cooker?
I had 133 comments as of today. I am posting a few of the comments below:

Meanwhile enjoy this video -Cooking Lengua Estofado- one of my favorite Filipino Dish and a coconut lobster from Chateau Du Mer, Boac, Marindque, Philippines
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