Excerpts from the Narra Hall Residence Hall, UP Diliman Face Book Page:
IN RESPONSE to the query of Ricky Sasil and others regarding the activities in the mid 1950's, I searched in my souvenir files today. Here's some of the activities I have attended besides the monthly socials from the souvenir programs in my files
1. A Song Recital of Helen Traubel, world-famous soprano, sponsored by the Conservatory of Music and the President's Committee on Culture, January 16, 1953
2. A Garden Party in honor of the visiting members of the International Olympic Committee and the Heads and members of the Delegation to the second Asian Games, Kawilihan, Mandaluyong, Rizal, May 9, 1954
3. Lecture Forum, The Intellectual and his Faith, sponsored by the Iota Eta Sigma and conducted by Rev Horacio de la Costa, S.J., July 24, 1953
4. A song recital of Aurelio Estanislao, baritone with the UP Symphony Orchestra, conductor, Ramon Tapales and Accompanist Regalado Jose, January 12, 1955
5. A dramatic presentation by the UPSCA Dramatic Guild, The Woman of the House. directed by Alejandro Casambre. Some of the actors were
Isabel Seviila, Letty Tison, Violeta Mariano and Rudy Aluyen, Feb 22, 1955. Other names associated with this play were Basilisa Manhit, Dionisia Rola, Conception Dadufalza, Angelina Villanueva and Ma Luisa Lorenzo,
I have attended several other plays and dances, but the above 5 I will always remember. Again may 2016 bring you Prosperity and Peace!
Pablo Benedictos and 2 others
Oscar Llorente Evangelista Thanks for sharing David
Ricky Sasil The UPSCA batch 1950s, contemporaries, ahead or behind you, David and Oscar are always present during annual reunion to celebrate the founding of UPSCA.

Everything in the dorm was new. The rooms were shared by 4. You have space for a study table and a small closet. The bathroom is shared and I am happy with all the facilities since it were all new. As far as activities, we have the Monthly Socials . The dorm itself is quiet except during the annual open house, when every one is welcome/ The picture with Mercy Lopez posted by Emmanuel Umali from my autobiography was taken during an Open House.

As an UPSCAN I was busy with choir and other activities. My Life in UP at that time besides Chemistry was my involvement with UPSCA, Fr John Delaney and the construction of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Chapel. Chapter 4 of my autobiography discussed in detail my college experience from 1951 to 1955 as a student and from 1955 to 1959 as Instructor in Chemistry known then as the College of Liberal Arts.

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