Yesterday was an unusual day. I finally decided to have three huge trees in my side yard trimmed. My next door neighbor a widow (84 years old and lives alone) complained again that the three branches of my three trees in our boundary line are encroaching on her roof. She complained that if a strong wind and a storm ( most unlikely this time of the year) toppled in her roof, I should pay for the repair of her roof. I have heard of this complaint before. I am tired of hearing it again. So I decided to get an estimate for the cost of trimming the trees.
I called four tree care services company in our area for the free estimates. Two of them responded immediately. One gave me an estimate of $575 minus my 10% senior discount. The other tree service company give me an estimate with a range of $600 to $800. When I asked the estimator why there is a range he said because he has no idea how long will it take for his employees to the finish the job. This is an ominous signal that this tree service company is not realiable. I decided to hire the first tree service named The Stumpman from West Sacramento.
The next day three men came to my door. I discussed with the lead man what I want The three men were all speaking in Spanish. Since I understood what they were saying, I know I will be satifified with their work. I knocked on my neighbor to come out and we both supervised the trimming of the trees.
After one hour the job was done. All the trimmings were all turned into powder for mulching after it passed through a machine. My three trees looked shapely and beautiful. My neighbor is happy. The $517 dollars that I spent was the best investment I have done during the last six months for my yard. It made my neighbor very happy. I hope I will never hear another complain of my trees falling on her roof and that I will have to pay for the repair of her roof.
I am very pleased with the services provided by Stumpman Tree Care Services.
Note: For the last six months, I have allowed my lawn to turn browm because of the drought. I would guess about 80% of the neighborhood are doing the same to conserve water. The rest of the neighborhood whose lawn is still green I believe are unpatroitic and selfish. I have no empathy for those selfish individuals who waste water to satisfy their ego of having a green lawn. I hope they get penalized and learned a lesson.
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