My own Creation of Winter Landscape Painting Guided by Sunda, Professional Art Teacher, Sat Dec 28, 2024. Mine has the rock near the tree.
Our teacher, Sunda, Winter Landscape Creation along with two others Participants during this Fun Activity last Saturday.
Question: Do people still read blogs? Is Blogging Dead or still Relevant?
Short answer: yes. A recent survey found that over 60% of all internet users read blogs, while another found that 77% of internet users read blogs daily. That’s over 4 billion readers. And it’s not just older internet users who are into blogs: Statista found that the percentage of young people in the UK reading blogs has grown significantly since 2010. Considering 60% of Gen Z think a brand’s digital first impressions are more important than in-person ones, it’s clear blog posts play a vital role in perception.
But why are blogs so popular? Part of the answer is down to human behaviour.
We may love video for its visual impact and storytelling power, but if you are looking for information fast, video can feel frustrating. The average reader can read 238 words per minute, far faster than the average speaking speed of 150 words a minute. Additionally, well-structured blog articles feature subheadings to help you find answers quickly. This means blog readers can skim until they get to the information they need – speeding up the process further.
Once you've found a section that interests you, it's easy to engage deeply with the content. You can easily re-read sections (without having to rewatch a video), and – provided the blog is part of a website with a solid strategy – click around for further reading.
This is why blogs are still an invaluable informational resource. The next time you need an answer from Google, pay attention to the actions you take. We guarantee you’ll be landing on blog posts remarkably often. What are the benefits of blogging in 2024?
A huge benefit of blogging is due to Google.
If you’re on the internet, you’re using Google to find things. On average, people conduct three to four Google searches daily. In fact, 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine – and Google controls 92% of the search engine market share. That’s why a recent study finding that blogs appear most often in top Google positions is such an encouraging news: It found that blogs appear 23% of the time in the top 5 positions of Google Search.
There are 20 types of blogs. My Blogs may be designated as Personal Blogs with No Advertising. I used to have Adsense in my blogs and was earning about $10 per month. I decided to remove it, as ads destruct content in my blogs and created clutter that I did not like. I really do not need the $10 additional income and my readers enjoys reading my blogs without ads and commercials.
The list of 20 types of blogs is listed in the site below.💚 A few blogs are still a good financial source of income for some bloggers due to ADS and commercials,
Current Page Views Previous PV Increase PV Number of Comments
1. Becoming American (BA) 1, 092, 122 897,997. 194, 125. 309
2. Intellectual Migrants (IM) 938, 247. 838, 082. 100, 165. 559
3. MRQ Awaits You (MAY ) 893, 301. 700, 792 192, 509. 218
4. MRQ Island Paradise(MIP) 752, 455. 596, 032 156, 323. 157
5. Chateau Du Mer )CDM) 540, 803 364, 432 181, 471. 375
I am still hoping that my second blog will reach a million page views at mid-year of 2025.
Here are the statistics (Page Views) of my other Active Blogs:
6. I Left My Heart in Marinduque (Not San Francisco) 327, 337
7. My AutoBiography ( David B. Katague) 314, 789
8. My Name Spelled Backwards ( Divad B Eugatak) 309, 390
9. Why Retire in the Philippines 276, 226
10. Joys of Retirement 193, 874
11. Snowbirds Living in the Philippines 145, 579
Here's statistics of my other semi-active blogs
1. My Published Articles in ViewsHound 91, 689
2. My Favorite American and Filipino Dishes 45, 703
3. Amazing and Sexy Images in the Internet 34, 552
4. Controversial and Award-Winning Movies 32, 927
5. The Japanese-American War in the Philippines 14, 750
I hope you continue reading my blogs! Have a Great Day, Every One!
Meanwhile, Did you Know that :